Italian PM Renzi, dodges eggs in Italy

A warm welcome by supporters of Beppe Grillo

Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi received an especially warm welcome by supporters of the Five Star Movement in the city of Ferrara.

According to Italian press reports, 30 protesters gathered where Mr. Renzi was speaking to three foreign journalists on Italy’s fiscal situation, the new “Article 18” that provides for the rehiring of unjustifiably laid-off employees, as well as his answer to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the deficit.

Supporters of Beppe Grillo’s movement originally started whistling and heckling the 39 year-old Prime Minister, followed by the launch of eggs towards him and the journalists on the stage with him.

Renzi calmly replied to the crowd: “The first thing I learned is respecting ideas and people, but I think that too many people around here are ready to cook a crepe or an omelet, but not think. To whomever possesses no other arguments but these, we continue to answer with a smile, despite their efforts to silence us”. He, humorously added: “The egg didn’t hit me”, and continued his discussion.

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