Kammenos backs down on resignation of Immigration Minister Mouzalas

Kammenos will rethink the matter after the EU28 refugee Summit

President of the right populist party Independent Greeks (ANEL) Panos Kammenos, told media, Thursday that he still offered his support to Greek PM Alexis Tsipras and his government. ANEL met to decide what stance the party should take on the controversy caused after Kammenos called for the resignation of SYRIZA Immigration Minister George Mouzalas following the use of the name ‘Macedonia’ to describe FYROM. Kammenos said he was not asking anything from Greek PM Tsipras, but simply from the Mouzalas himself to hand in his resignation. SYRIZA sources believe his newest statement show a compromise in his unyielding position on Tuesday when he threatened to leave the coalition government, if his demand was for the resignation of Mouzalas was not met. In a clear attempt to defuse the situation over the matter, the leader of ANEL said he would wait until after the outcome of the EU28 Summit on the refugee crisis taking place Thursday and Friday, before deciding what to do. Kammenos underlined that the Greek government had the trust of his party, adding that the collaboration was very good so far.