Large scale police operation in downtown Athens with drones and hundreds of officers

Police are searching for drugs and human trafficking

A large police operation is underway using drones, special forces, and hundreds of police officers of various services, scanning the center of Athens for drugs and illegal traffickers.

The aim of the headquarters of EL.AS. is to stamp out drug trafficking, illegal immigration, human trafficking, “monkey” taxis, and petty crime affecting specific neighbourhoods in downtown Athens.

Strong Greek law enforcement forces of various departments are sweeping the area in Omonia, the narrow streets of the city, the church of Agios Konstantinos, while police drones are patrolling from the air to give an image of its operations center.

The operation “cleaning up in the centre” is of long duration and law enforcement agents are searching hundreds of people, vehicles, shops, and businesses while the Minister of Civil Protection Takis Theodorikakos is being kept informed about the progress of the investigations and the results.

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