Le Soir: “The EU has no right to abandon Greece”

According to the Belgian newspaper “The current financial situation in Greece is catastrophic. Can the EU abandon this economy to its fate? An action like this would rapidly change the European spirit”

In an attempt to fully explain the developments in Greece, the possible attitude of the EU against a government of the radical Left and the rhetoric of change of policy in the EU, the Belgium newspaper through its website organized a dialogue between readers and the author Dominic Burns.

Mr. Burns who is responsible for issues of dialogue and communication with readers, answered dozens of questions and characterized as the attitude of some Commissioners and European politicians who give voting instructions to Greek citizens as “unacceptable”, since according to him the respect and the will of the people is the cornerstone of democracy.

Among other, according to the Belgium author, Even if many politicians argue that the Eurozone is now armored to face a domino effect, after a possible withdrawal of Greece from the eurozone, in reality nobody can be certain that Portugal and Ireland will not be affected by such a development.

Furthermore the article concludes by stressing that “the current financial situation in Greece is catastrophic. Can the EU abandon this economy to its fate? An action like this would rapidly change the European spirit. Europe must take its own share of responsibility “.