Let’s get serious for the first time, Potami leader says

“If old parties don’t lose part of their power , it will be a message that Greek society forgives the mistakes of the past” he said

Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis explained why he has raised the bar regarding the election results saying that if Greek people gave a 10% to Potami party, they would send a message to old parties that there is a new rising power in the society.

He also continued saying that “if old parties don’t lose part of their power , it will be a message that Greek society forgives the mistakes of the past”.

Regarding the corruption of politicians, he said to Kontra Channel that “if I thought political leaders are corrupted, I wouldn’t talk with them. But what I’m saying is that they may have tolerated the corruption inside their parties”.

Asked if he prefers one of the two parties claiming the first place, he cleared out that “we prefer to cooperate with a party that will accept our terms,”.