Serial celebrity accoster has struck again, this time at Paris Fashion Week, targeting Kim Kardashian’s posterior as she was entering an exclusive restaurant in the french capital on Wednesday. Vitalii Sediuk, a 27-year-old man from Boryspil, Ukraine, who attempted to attack the reality star from behind is notorious for pulling these types of stunts at film premieres and awards ceremonies — he’s previously targeted Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Will Smith. Just last week, he went after Gigi Hadid in Milan, Italy, as she was on her way to an event for Milan Fashion Week.
While Kim was exiting a black car and making her way into L’Avenue restaurant, Vitalii lunged at her, aiming for both her ankles and booty. Kim’s security guard, Pascal Duvier, was able to grab hold of the attacker before he was able to lay hands on the mother of two.
The security detail is seen to react immediately and pull him to the floor amid cries and expletives from the crowd in front of the L’Avenue eatery.
In a statement to The Associated Press, Sediuk confirmed he perpetrated the attack as a protest “to popularize natural beauty among teenage girls.”
It’s the second such time the television reality star has fallen victim to Sediuk’s unwelcome attention after she was accosted two years ago outside a Balmain show. He caused her to stumble briefly in Paris when he provoked a kerfuffle outside the fashion week venue.
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