#mindpower fuses Latvian poetry with Crete’s traditional lyra

Aspazija’s poetry as performed by Cretan lyra player and composer Psarantonis

Two disparate forms Europe culture, on the surface at least, are fused in the latest short film produced by the Latvian #mindpower project — where prose by Latvian poetess Aspazija meets the iconic Cretan highlands music of Psarantonis.

According to the Latvian EU presidency’s website, the 20th episode of the #mindpower project showcases the famed Cretan “lyra” player and composer reading an excerpt from Aspazija’s poem “Silk Veil” — part the poetry collection “An Armful of Flowers” (1911).

As the article points out, Aspazija’s is the penname of Johanna Emīlija Lizete Rozenberga, taken from Classical antiquity and Aspasia, Athenian statesman Pericles’ companion.

(Photo: Jura Podnieka studija)


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