A Facebook bid aimed at the anointment of Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis as King of Greece has avalanched with more and more people stating their intent to head to the rally being planned for 11.30 p.m. on December 31, 2015. The event has already gathered the support of 8,800 people and 164 maybes who demand to lift their “very beloved Yian(n)is to the rank of ultimate political and religious head of the country.” Thousands will flood squares just before January 1, 2016, exulting the leader and demanding that he be made King!
Fans of the page believe that the country should be renamed from Greece to Varoufa(land). Others believe that he’ll charge into Constantinople on a steed, wrapped in Burberry and Prada to finally claim back the Byzantine City. Fans of the page, state “Long live the King!” Others still, say they cannot wait until December 31, calling for Varoufakis to be declared king “here and now”. One follower states “The Emperor has no clothes!” and others – titillated by the thought of a nude Varoufakis – talk about his sexy body, dubbing him “Master of the Universe”… even saint
Some say he is more than just a man who should be king and more than a saint… suggesting that he could be the Messiah.
CLICK HERE to join the rally on the Varoufakis for King Facebook page.
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