More than three out of ten Greek employees are "Over-qualified"

32% of Geek employees have better skills than the ones required for their job – In contrast, 21.8% of male and 25.6% of female employees in Greece are “under- qualified “

According to the International Labour Organization (International Labour Organization, ILO) more than three out of ten Greeks employees are “Over- qualified “, which means that 32% of Geek employees have better skills than the ones required for their job.

The survey took place in Geneva on skill mismatch in the labor market in the EU countries and was published on the 29th of October. The percentage in our country is relatively high compared with other countries – members of Eurozone.

“Skills mismatch” means the gap between what employers are asking of their employees and what they are able to provide to the employees based on their skills.

According to the survey in Greece the 26% of male employees and 15.0% of female are considered “Over- qualified “.

At the same time, in contrast 21.8% of male  and 25.6% of female employees  in Greece are “under- qualified “.