Mykonos airport WC squeaky clean after Hugo Dixon’s prickly Tweet

Next Greek government should employ journalists with massive social media followings as ‘quality inspectors’

Score one for the “power of the media”, or rather, “the power of the high-profile media persona via social media”!

Less than two weeks after noted journalist Hugo Dixon lambasted the state of the (men’s) restroom at the Mykonos airport, Proto Thema returned to the “scene of the crime” over the weekend on the jet-setting Cyclades holiday island.

As the photographs show, a near spotless lavatory is now observed, with new faucets installed, among others. Of course, proper maintenance is imperative to keeping restrooms clean, as building supervisors the world over know.

Here’s Dixon’s Tweet:


Of course, one question that now emerges is whether it was Dixon’s “shaming” or his wish for privatization that prompted the state-run airport’s management to clean the loo and stock the toilets with paper?

One of the “hot button issues” in radical leftist SYRIZA’s rise to power was its opposition to an alleged “sell-off” of 14 regional airports to a German-Greek company led by Fraport. Before the Jan. 25 election SYRIZA cadres had repeatedly referred to the privatization as a “scandal”.


The radical leftist party was forced to make an about-face in the wake of a third bailout memorandum the SYRIZA government signed in early August, with one condition referring to continued privatizations.

“Best practice” privatizations, as per classic free market proponents, earn cash for the state via the sale, and then generate greater tax revenue from increased turnover due to presumed better private sector management. The model of better quality and lower prices is often employed to increase turnover, with additional jobs being created and the entire local economy benefiting.

Could a Dixon Tweet from Caracas’ airport be forthcoming?
