Narcissists all follow the same patterns – Here are some of the most common phrases they use to manipulate you

Narcissists often follow the same pattern in relationships: idealize, devalue, discard

It’s possible to meet someone and feel like you’ve known them your whole life. Often, this just means you’re comfortable in each other’s company.

But sometimes it can be a sign of something more sinister — particularly if someone you’re dating is professing their love for you when you’ve only known them for five minutes.

Narcissists sometimes engage in “love bombing” — pretending to be everything you’ve ever wanted, only to turn it back on you further down the line. It’s a manipulative tactic to reel in their targets.

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First, they shower them with affection and gifts. Then, they start gaslighting and abusing their victim, causing them to wonder what’s real. It’s all part of the plan to gain total control.

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