ND leads SYRIZA by 7.5% in latest poll by MRB

Mitsotakis has more positive views on who is more suitable as Prime Minister

New Democracy (ND) holds a 7.5 percent lead over major opposition SYRIZA, according to pollsters MRB, in a survey carried out after the appearances of the political leaders at the TIF which was aired on Open TV. Once again, Kyriakos Mitsotakis clearly leads on the question of the “most suitable prime minister”, garnering 38.9% approval over 29% for Alexis Tsipras.

Regarding the evaluation of political leaders at the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki, the Prime Minister is evaluated negatively by 38.4% of respondents and positively by 28.7%. 45.6% negatively assess the presence of Alexis Tsipras at the TIF, while only 19.6% respond that they positively assess the presence of the head of SYRIZA.

The dilemma “stability or chaos” raised by Kyriakos Mitsotakis resonates with 34% of the respondents, while 43.5% answer that it does not express them at all. Correspondingly, 28.3% and 45.5% do not express the “nepotism or progressive alliance” that Alexis Tsipras raised as a dilemma.