ND party critical of FM statements on jihadists through EU

The ND believes that Greek FM Nikos Kotzias sent the opposite message than the one he intended to

The main opposition New Democracy party was critical of Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias’ statements about the possibility of a lot of jihadists coming to Europe if the Greek economy collapses. Conservative ND spokesman Costas Karagounis said on Saturday that the statements made on the sidelines of an EU ministers’ meeting in Riga, Latvia, on the Ukraine crisis revolved on the role of Greece as a stabilizing force in the Balkans.

Karagounis states that the statements made by Kotzias to show hte geopolitical aspect and the role Greece can play in Europe’s security were badly worded and “made a mess.” Karagounis said that “what he declaims internationally is also open to misinterpretation and may be sending the exact opposite message.”

“Greece’s role is to deflect jihadists before they flood Europe, shouldn’t he maybe tell his government to stop opening the borders and freeing illegal migrants detained prior to expulsion? Don’t they understand this contradiction?” he said.