ND deputy to take money out of banks in the case of SYRIZA government

A war of words and “verbal diarrhea” on Greek TV with conservative politician stating he would take his money out of Greek banks in the case of a Coalition of the Left government

Conservative New Democracy (ND) deputy Adonis Georgiadis came into conflict with Coalition of the Left (SYRIZA) deputy George Varemenos during a TV panel discussion. During the two men’s debate, Mr. Georgiadis said that if the coalition ND government “falls” then he would take his money out of Greek banks.

Mr. Georgiadis said:

“If the government wants to take me out of the euro, then will I be with the government of lunatics? If the government wants to blow up the country, then should we go with them? If there are crazies in power, then should we go with crazies?”

“Will you tell us what SYRIZA’s hidden agenda is? I say that it’s the drachma. I say it straight. That’s why there won’t be any euros in banks.”

Amongst other accusations he said that SYRIZA will nationalize the European Financial Stability Facility and that all the banks would close.

In response, Mr. Varemenos said that Mr. Georgiadis suffers from “verbal diarrhea”.