One third of Greeks under poverty line, says OECD

Report cautiously optimistic on Greek economy

According to initial estimates included in the latest OECD report, the refugee crisis has cost the Greek economy 0.4 per cent of the country’s GDP in 2015. OECD General Secretary Angel Gurria presented the findings of the report to the Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, during his visit in Athens, Thursday. The findings in the report are shocking as they note nearly one third of the population in Greece has fallen under the poverty line during the economic crisis. It goes on to present an even bleaker picture of the Greek economy and society in general, if the EU fails to provide effective assistance to Greece for the refugee crisis. 2016 will be a year of stagnant growth, while the GDP in 2017 is expected to rise by nearly 2 percentage points. It projects that ongoing structural reforms, improvement of public finances and foreign demand will boost investment and the labour market. It underlines that the successful outcome of negotiations between the Greek government with its creditors is of vital importance for an improvement in the prospects of the Greek economy. The report warns of the possible dangers that could impede the progress of the economic conditions, such as credit tightening and a slump in economic growth in the rest of the Eurozone countries.