Open letter by 80 young Greeks concerned about their future

An inspirational letter by the voice of the present!

Young Greeks voted against the bailout package at a ratio of 2 to 1, equivalet to youth unemployment in Greece where one in two young people are jobless. Eighty young Greeks felt the need to write an open letter to explain how they feel and their hopes for a “new Greece”:

We are the young Greeks of the lost generation. Some of us live and work in Greece, if we have not been fired yet. Some of us are operating our companies under the tragic conditions resulting from the Referendums and the 7 years of continuous recession. Some of us are forced to emigrate in order to survive professionally, far away from our families, friends and our beautiful country.

More or less, all the post-dictatorship Greek governments have deprived us of the chances we believe that a young person is entitled to when he/she starts his/her professional or entrepreneurial career. However, it is inconceivable that even the most important and substantial legacy of the modern Greek state, the participation of Greece in the European Union and the Eurozone, is being threatened.

We don’t intend to jeopardize our European identity and our common currency in the name of a negotiating tactical adventurism approved and supported by, between others, intolerant nationalistic voices and anti-European, anti-authoritarian forces. We are all fully aware that ‘the day after’ it will be us again who will be called upon to pay the price, undeservedly, but we are determined to make our country stand on its own two feet again.

We share the same agony and insecurity for the present and future of our children, our parents, our friends, and our compatriots. We have a duty, first of all, to ourselves and families to work hard in order to stop acting as beggars and borrowers to our European partners, to take advantage of the greek land, sea and islands’ inexhaustible advantages, to build a new Greece from scratch; a new Greece of entrepreneurship, a new Greece of dignity and solidarity, a new Greece of education, culture, history; a new Greece which will bring back its lost golden brains, a new Greece to be known all over the world for its achievements.

Yes, to a new Greece.


Κώστας Χατζηφώτης, Μαρία Τρούλη, Εύη Γκουβά, Κέλλυ Κοζυράκη, Βάλια Τρούλη, Σταύρος Νικολαΐδης, Τζίνα Αντωνίου, Αποστόλης Παναγιωτόπουλος, Κατερίνα Κανδαλέπα, Βασίλης Ζαρταλούδης, Παναγιώτης Σιώζος, Αγάθη Συρίδου, Ειρήνη Νικολάου, Αντώνης Γκιούρας, Αλεξάνδρα Παπαϊσιδώρου, Λεωνίδας Τζώνης, Μανώλης Κασσελάκης, Γιώργος Στέγγος, Δέσποινα Καλλιούρη, Βίκυ Κρικέτου, Δημήτρης Βολουδάκης, Μαρίλια Πευκιανάκη, Στέφανος Χαρακτινιώτης, Βάνα Νικολάου, Παντελής Τουρνής, Ιορδάνης Διαμαντίδης, Αθηνά Παναγιωτοπούλου, Μαρίλια Πευκιανάκη, Στέβη Ιωσήφ, Βασίλης Τσιατσιάμης, Άκης Κελέσης, Νεκταρία Μαργώνη, Μόνα Παπαδάκου, Μαίρη Πανούση, Ξενοφών Κονταργύρη, Έλια Ζερβού, Αναστάσιος Καπετάνιος, Πηνελόπη Κατσόγιαννου, Χαράλαμπος Νάκος, Δήμητρα Φίλη, Μαρίνα Καλαϊτζή, Δέσπινα Φιλίππου, Πάνος Μανάφης, Βασίλης Κληροδέτης, Άλκης Κούκης, Νίκος Στεφανίδης, Ευαγγελία Αρβανίτη, Στέφανος Καβαλλιεράκης, Αγγελική Καλλιανού, Νάντια Ιατροπούλου, Γιαννης Δαλμάς, Κωνσταντίνα Νικολετοπούλου, Αθηνά Μπάη, Νίκος Γαλανάκης, Αλέξανδρος Σταθόπουλος, Παναγιώτης Γουρνάς, Παναγιώτης Ζαχόπουλος, Αργύρης Νεστορόπουλος, Ματούλα Αργύρη, Αναστάσιος Βαζακόπουλος, Νίκος Δημητρόπουλος, Αντώνης Κρίνης, Θανάσης Χαρακτινιώτης, Γιώργος Ρούσσος, Βαλμίνα Πρεζάνη, Αλέξανδρος Βασίλης Κορωνάκης, Αρίτη-Μαρίνα Αλαμάνου, Κέλλυ Σκουλαρίκη, Σάμι Γαράιμπε, Γιάννης Συναχείρης, Φωκίων Σίνης, Νικόλας Πορτοκάλης,Κάτια Καλούδη, Ερμιόνη Καραχάλιου, Άγγελος Αθανασόπουλος, Ιουλλιέτα Μπισιούλη, Φίλιππος Γαλάνης, Άσπα Κυριάκη, Άκης Αναγνώστου, Κατερίνα Μακρυγιάννη.

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