Opinion poll results reportedly show slim, but waning SYRIZA lead

As many as eight parties expected to enter Parliament – Majority government a very remote prospect…


The latest opinion poll results reportedly show a small lead by the ruling radical leftist SYRIZA, trailed by conservative New Democracy, although the former shows increased signs of dissolution following an internal split between the “pro-Europe” remainder of the party and the anti-bailout bloc.

Three parties are shown in third place amongst in terms of respondents’ preferences, the centrist Potami, the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn and the newly formed Popular Unity party, i.e. the anti-bailout bloc that left SYRIZA.

Once mighty PASOK, the social democrat equivalent in Greece’s political scene, and a party headed by a long-time television pundit mostly occupying the fringe of local politics and the after-midnight airwaves, also appear at entering Parliament.

However, the small rightist-populist party headed by current DM Panos Kammenos, which serves as the junior coalition partner in the outgoing government, appears just missing the cut-off point for Parliament representation.

A political party must receive more than 3 percent of the general vote to field MPs in Greece’s 300-deputy legislature.

As many as four opinion polls have been commissioned in recent days focusing specifically on snap elections in the country, probably in one of the two last Sundays next month.

Results by the firms Alco, Metron Analysis, Rass and the University of Macedonia are due out in days.