Opposition leaders warn against another snap election

Potami leader also wants outspoken Parliament president replaced

Both top opposition leaders, center-right New Democracy’s (ND) president Vangelis Meimarakis and centrist Potami party leader Stavros Theodorakis warned this week against snap elections in the country.
Crisis-plagued Greece last held elections in January, with leftist SYRIZA taking power in a coalition with the rightist-populist Independent Greeks’ (ANEL) party.
Meimarakis, who took over from Antonis Samaras when the latter resigned earlier in the month, flatly said that another election this year would be a “catastrophe”.
Speaking on state-run television (ERT), the former minister also reminded that the third bailout memorandum was “recessionary” and the product of the Tsipras government’s negotiation.
On his part, Potami (River) leader Theodorakis, well-known in Greece as a television presenter, warned that the threat of Grexit is not over.
Moreover, he also called for changes to the election law, such as eliminating a 50-seat bonus given to the party “first past the post”.
“Potami wants straightforward talk from all sides,” he said, while also calling for a replacement of brash Parliament President Zoe Konstantopoulou, a high-profile SYRIZA cadre.
Finally, TV actor-turned-mayor Apostolos Gletsos on Tuesday filed a complaint with a Supreme Court prosecutor against former finMin Yanis Varoufakis, charging that the latter was responsible for gross negligence and willful misconduct while in office.
Gletsos is the mayor of the central Greece town of Stylida and has even formed his own political party, called “Teleia” (full-stop).