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> Search results for: INFLATION

showing 522 results

> Search results for: INFLATION

showing 522 results

Budget Office of the Parliament: Predicts 2.5% growth under conditions

The improvement is attributed to increased tax revenues (both direct and indirect taxes) due to rising employment along with simultaneous increases in wages and pensions

Voridis moves to Maximou, Koutnatzis is the new secretary general to the Prime Minister – See all the changes

Replace Stavros Papastavrou and Yannis Bratakos - The changes were announced by government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis

What does Erdogan’s defeat in the municipal elections mean – Imamoglu’s consolidation and a brake on constitutional change

Erdogan's party falls from 44% to 37%, in second place after 22 years - The "Sultan" will need alliances with the conservative nationalist and Islamic sectors and may be driven to an aggressive foreign policy

EU Elections: What the polls show – Battle for the 2nd place, a warning sign for high prices

The governing party also suffered losses according to the Metron Analysis survey presented yesterday on the central news bulletin of Mega

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