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> Search results for: MITSOTAKIS

showing 2903 results

> Search results for: MITSOTAKIS

showing 2903 results

Mitsotakis on the violations of the Prespa Agreement: “We will not reveal our weapons”

What did the PM say about the meeting with Erdogan, the Cyprus issue & the aid to Ukraine

Mitsotakis – Erdogan: What they discussed for 45 minutes – Cyprus issue also on the table

The two leaders walked together from the NATO leaders' meeting room to the meeting space of the two delegations - They did not make statements.

Mitsotakis on Skopje: The violation of the Prespa Agreement endangers security in the Western Balkans

The PM responded to the provocation of the Prime Minister of Skopje, who referred to "Macedonia" and the "Macedonian government"

Kyriakos Mitsotakis – Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Their meeting extends Greek-Turkish moratorium

At 11 PM today, the two leaders meet in Washington, with a subsequent meeting in Cyprus on July 20 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion

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