PM Samaras meets with Saudi Prince Alawaleed Bin Talal Bin Ablulaziz Al Saud

How the Prince connected the Cyprus issue, with Palestine and good trade relations

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras met with the prince of the royal family of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company Alawaleed Bin Talal Bin Ablulaziz Al Saud at Maximou Mansion.

Reportedly, the Prince expressed keen interests in investing in Greece and made positive references to the Cyprus issue. He characteristically said that the occupied part of the island is only recognized by Turkey.

What the Prince said in the Economist’s Conference: Historic relations between the Greeks and the Arab world.

The historical relations between Greeks and the Arab world were mentioned in his speech in the Economist Congress by Prince Alawaleed Bin Talal Bin Ablulaziz Al Saud, a relationship which, as he said, have travelled through the ages to today, quoting as an example “the positions that Greece took with regard to the rights of Palestinians (Because of their knowledge about the history of the Mediterranean) and the non-recognition of the occupied territories by Arab countries- “and I hope this does not annoy our Turkish friends”, he noted.

Then the speaker referred to the “opportunities” presented in the Greek economy, citing the Saudi Arabian investment in Vouliagmeni’s “Asteras” and underlined the “Great financial progress” that has been presented by Greece “which is now on the road to development” as it has made a “Remarkable financial performance”. In this perspect, he said that Greece” can become the basis of Arab companies in Europe”.

He also recalled that the commercial relationship of Saudi Arabia and Greece “is not governed only by bilatereal cooperation” but progress through the GCC and the EU, the speaker stressed that there is much room for improvement of relations between Greece, the EU and Arab States, expressing “joy” on the fact that his visit in Greece will give him the opportunity to talk to the Greek Prime Minister and relevant Ministers.

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