PM Samaras: We don’t need a new memorandum

Prime Minister stated that ” We don’t need a new memorandum. Greece is more than ok and safe in the after-memorandum period”

Mr. Antonis Samaras continued by saying that nobody is fond of polarization, but the government cannot allow to anyone to delete all affords made until today and to obstruct reforms.
Further, the Prime Minister stressed that in the last 2.5 years a lot have already have happened and is more to be done, as far as “there is no political uncertainty and we continue the path of reforms, since it is in the best interest of our country and the Greek people”.
Mr. Samaras, while making a brief review, he highlighted that in these 2.5 years a great fiscal consolidation was achieved, along with sweeping reforms, which resulted to climbing 11 places in the global competitiveness ranking and that is not the end of it.
Characteristically, the Prime Minister stated that:” We managed to achieve a primarily surplus much earlier of the original target and next year we will reset the total deficit as well as the debt payments. That is what contributed to portray our country as reliable and safe. Everyone is a winner from this effort. Tourism already did and soon other sectors will follow”.
Moreover, he made negative criticism of the opposition, by saying that there are some who deride or try to eliminate such successes.
He also referred to tourism being a great lean on for Greece during the difficult times and that tourism remains the most important tool for the restarting of the Greek economy.