Precedence of SYRIZA in two new polls

Metron Analysis portrays how the political scene is shaped

The poll gives a lead of 4.7 points (last week was 4.8%) to SYRIZA in voting intention.

Specifically, the main opposition party gathers 23.3%, while New Democracy  18.6%.

Have a look on voting intentions:

New Democracy: 18.6%
SYRIZA: 23.3%
PASOK: 3.7%
ANEL: 2.8%
Golden Dawn: 3.5%
KKE: 4.4%
POTAMI: 5.9%
LAOS: 1.3%
Environmentalists: 1.6%
Other party: 4.4%
White or invalid: 4.8%
Undecided 13.7%
I will not vote: 7.7%
No Answer: 3%

Regarding the election of the President of the Republic 51% of people prefer to be elected by this Parliament House, while 44% want to precede early elections.

At the same time a difference of 4.3% in favor of SYRIZA IS recorded in a poll conducted by the company on behalf of MRB newspaper “Agora”.

More specifically, SYRIZA gathers in voting intention a rate of 23.9% compared to 19.6% of New Democracy. POTAMI is in the third place with 7.5%, followed by the Communist Party, the Golden Dawn and the Independent Greeks.

The difference between New Democracy  and SYRIZA increased to 5.5% in estimating voting where SYRIZA record 30.6%, compared to 23.9% of New Democracy.

Finally, the majority of people do not want early elections with 60% answering  no or probably not, while 37.8% saying yes or probably yes.