Prince William on gay magazine ‘Attitude’ front page

Heir to British throne shows solidarity to Orlando victims

The heir to the UK throne, Prince William was on the front page of gay magazine ‘Attitude’ showing his support and solidarity to the LGTB community, just days after the massacre of 49 people at Pulse night club in Orlando. The photos is captioned with the title: ‘No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason’, Queen Elizabeth’s grandson appeared on the front page smiling in a white shirt and told the magazine in the interview that young people are gay, lesbian and trans and they should not be subjected to any form of bullying, urging them to not give up and not tolerate such behaviours. ‘You should feel proud for what you are and not be ashamed for anything’, he said speaking to the LGBT community. Prince William had requested to meet with the gay community last month at Kensington Palace to discuss their problems.

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