Road taxes 2024: Tomorrow is the deadline for payment

What applies to immobilized vehicles

The deadline for the payment of road taxes, as well as for placing vehicles in immobilization, expires tomorrow, Wednesday February 29th, after the two-month extension granted by the Ministry of National Economy & Finance.

Under the current regulations, if a vehicle owner delays paying the road taxes, even by a minute, they will be fined twice the amount. This measure has been considered particularly strict and unfair. Therefore, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance will proceed to reconsider the penalties so that the fine is scalable, increasing depending on how long the vehicle owner delays paying the taxes after the deadline. In other words, the earlier the payment is made, even if overdue, the lower the surcharge will be. This measure is expected to be applied to the road taxes of 2025, which must be paid by the end of the year. Hence, those who do not pay this year’s road taxes by the end of February will face a fine equal to twice the amount of the taxes.

This year, notifications of the amount owed by each vehicle owner are posted on the platform of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) “MyCar.” The process is as follows:

• Access the platform and select “LOG IN TO THE APPLICATION.”
• Enter your Taxisnet codes and click CONNECT.
• Select “Vehicle Road Taxes.”
• Choose “Vehicle Road Tax Notifications.”
• Confirm that the personal Tax number (ΑΦΜ) and the year (2023) displayed are correct, then enter the vehicle registration number.
• Click on “Vehicle Road Tax Notification” to save the file on your mobile or computer, where you can then print it.

There is also a second method without using TAXIS codes. In this case, you need your personal Tax (ΑΦΜ) number and the vehicle registration number.

Payment can be made:

• Through the automatic transaction machines located in banks. In this case, the QR Code on the notification will be requested.
• Via Web banking if you have access to the available application from your bank. In this case, the RF code will be requested. It is the 23-digit number located in the center of the notification immediately after the letters “RF.”
• At the nearest bank or ELTA branch, having previously printed the notification.

With the end of the extension for the payment of this year’s road taxes, the extension for those who want to immobilize their vehicle and be exempt from the taxes of the same year also ends.

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Vehicle Immobilization

For handing in license plates, a visit to the Tax Office is no longer required, except in very few cases.

The process is done digitally through the taxpayers’ computer or mobile phone via the unified digital portal of public administration, specifically on the myCAR platform with the TAXIS codes.

The user selects “Digital Immobilization/Traffic,” enters or selects the vehicle registration number they wish to immobilize digitally.

The details of the vehicle immobilization address are entered, i.e., the postal code of the area, the street, and the number.

Note that in this case, the license plates remain on the vehicle, and the parking space where the car will remain during its immobilization period is declared.