Startup CEO says “the house of the future costs as much as a car” & here’s how the company plans to make it happen

Serendix, which hopes to make housing more affordable, recently combined 3D printing and CNC machining to build a house for the cost of roughly $37,600

New technology from Japanese startup Serendix may eventually turn the dream of home ownership from the seemingly impossible into the possible for many Americans — and help us give our planet an assist in the process.

Serendix, which hopes to make housing more affordable, recently combined 3D printing and CNC machining to build a house for the cost of roughly $37,600, according to Adele Peters of Fast Company.

Compare that with the median cost of a house in the United States: approximately $430,300, according to The Ascent, a review platform of The Motley Fool.

“The house of the future costs as much as a car,” Serendix CEO Kunihiro Handa told Peters.

Handa added that the company’s goal is to fully automate the housing industry — much like Japan did with the auto industry more than 40 years ago.

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