Survey: 9 out of 10 Greeks see gloom and doom in 2016

New study by the University of Macedonia

New research by the University of Macedonia conducted from December 14-15 found that there is general pessimism in Greek society concerning the economic situation.

Nine out of ten Greeks believe that 2016 will mark the worst measures implemented to date. 84.5% stated they were disappointed with the results of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) and its junior partner, right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL). 67% of those who were disappointed were SYRIZA voters.

66.5% of those surveyed said they believe that the financial situation in their household would worsen over the coming year – a slight drop from the 70.5% questioned in November.

77.5% of those questioned said that things were headed in the wrong direction of which 57% were SYRIZA voters. Asked whether the government is in danger of losing its majority in Greek Parliament, 39% answered affirmatively whereas 48.5% said that the government was not in danger.

Should SYRIZA lose its majority, 51.5% of those questioned feel that the best solution would be the creation of a grand coalition. The percentage was largest among supporters of the conservative main opposition New Democracy (ND) party at 67.5% and 41% by SYRIZA voters.

Regarding the conservatives, 44% of those questioned said that a new party should be formed to replace ND in the longterm whereas 30% believe it should remain as it is. Among supporters, 57% say that ND should remain as it is, wheras 29.5% want the ND to morph into a new party in the future.

41.5% would like to see the ND move more towards the center, 27% would like ot see it continue as it is.

The majority considers the government policy on migration to be wrong (62.5%) with SYRIZA supporters being divided (44% feel it is right and 42.5% feel it is wrong).

55.5% agree with the government’s decision for same-sex partnerships, whereas 31.5% disagrees. The most positive regarding same-sex unions were from centrist Potami (80%), whereas the least approving were from Golden Dawn (only 28.5% in favor). Youth and people with higher education were more positive concerning the government’s policy in permitting same-sex partnerships.