SYRIZA and DIMAR fail to reach an agreement on account of ballot papers and EU issues

DIMAR representatives deem that SYRIZA looks down on them ostentatiously- Not only do they have no regrets about the inflicted memorandums but they also wish to run the show exploiting a mere 0.5 %

The much talked cooperation of SYRIZA and the Democratic Left comes to an end before it even got started.

Negotiations and official contacts between the two sides are frozen and therefore the members of both parties will pursue to form alliances towards other directions.

Apparently SYRIZA proved to be very “unfriendly” to its former comrades and doesn’t seem to forgive their cooperation with Samaras’ government two years ago.

On the other hand the executives of DIMAR seem to require a lot more than they can handle, as proven by the recent Euro-elections.

Basically, in a few words the failure of reaching an agreement simply confirms the mentality difference and political gap between the two sides.

There was no major point of contact, but many that divide them.