SYRIZA Leader jests about internal criticism

Opposition SYRIZA Leader Alexis Tsipras refered to the accusatory text signed by 53 deputies at last night’s book launch ahead of the party’s Central Committee meeting on the weekend

Main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) leader Alexis Tsipras last night responded to the 53 SYRIZA deputies who wrote a text that criticizes the party’s leadership and its move towards more liberal positions. Speaking at the book launch of James K. Galbraith, Stuard Holland and Yanis Varoufakis’ book entitled “A Modest Proposal for Resolving the Euro-crisis”, Mr. Tsipras noted that the “modest proposal” offered by the three writers is a deeply “radical” plan to exit from the eurozone crisis. He light-heartedly added that his views are not based on a fear for the release of a text within SYRIZA that makes accusations that the party embraces “modest proposals.”

The text of the 53 deputies of the party’s majority left faction criticized the leadership for shifting to more liberal positions, abandoning the character of the party, outside influences in the decision-making process and too much fervor in television appearance.

More texts are expected to be released by Panagiotis Lafazanis and possibly by Alexis Mitropoulos.
The meeting of SYRIZA’s Political Secretariat is scheduled for 4pm today whereas the party’s Central Committee is expected to meet on the weekend.