
Jun 2024
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Athens 29°C

> Aigaleo

> Aigaleo

The Turkish citizen arrested for the fires in Mount Aigaleo is a Gulenist – He had been detained a few weeks ago

The perpetrator is 33 years old and holds an asylum card - Kikilias's announcement

Aigaleo: “He got into his car and wanted to run over my husband” – The 43-year-old woman’s description of the savage beating at a traffic light

"These people would be good to be in the loony bin" woman claims for what happened on Tuesday morning at the junction of Iera Odos and Thevon

Unrestrained violence in Aigaleo: The drivers got out of their cars and engaged in a vicious feud

The incident occurred at the traffic light at the intersection of Iera Odos and Thivon streets - It was preceded by an argument between drivers of two cars