ALCO Poll: New Democracy ranges from 29% to 33%, SYRIZA from 14% to 16%, PASOK at 12% to 14%
Losses for New Democracy and PASOK, gains for SYRIZA, Greek Solution, and Course of Freedom in voting intention among valid voters
ALCO Poll: ND leads by 16.5, with….”I don’t know/I won’t answer” as the second ‘party’
Marginal gains for SYRIZA, losses for ND, PASOK & KKE - 77% say they see an attempt to cover up regarding the Tempi tragedy
ALCO poll: ND at 32.3%, SYRIZA at 15.3% – The picture is worse after the Kasselakis’ election, says 40%
Regarding which direction Kasselakis should follow, 56% say that he should go to the center-left, 23% to the left, and 9% maintain the same policy