Mar 2025
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Athens 21°C

> biodiversity

> biodiversity

What would happen to the planet without bees

With over 1,250 species of bees, Greece—particularly the Aegean region—is considered one of Europe’s most significant bee biodiversity hotspots

Mitsotakis: The Faliron Bay Park to Be ready by 2028 – Turning plans into construction sites (updated)

The PM stated that the project opens a significant window - The metropolitan park will be named "Aenaon," symbolizing continuity and perpetuity, announced Nikos Hardalias - ETAD transfers the Water Plaza and Tae Kwon Do Arena

20 Deep-Sea Creatures Discovered in Underwater

Under the Sea

Global wildlife populations have fallen nearly 70% in half a century, warns WWF

It reveals population sizes declined by 69% on average between 1970 and 2018