Mar 2025
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> Black Lives Matter

> Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter march organiser who splurged thousands in donations on taxis and takeaways is jailed

Saleem moved the money into a newly opened personal account and went on a 15-month spending spree on “lifestyle expenses”

Black Lives Matter organization shows support for Hamas amid terror attack on Israel

At least 11 Americans were also killed during the violent terror attacks

It’s time to admit it: “Black Lives Matter hysteria made fools of us all” – Analysis

In court this week, one of its organisers admitted fraud, after £30,000 in donations from Black Lives Matter supporters went missing

San Francisco board open to reparations payouts to black people of up to $5M!

Critics say it make no sense in a state that never enslaved anyone that taxpayers who never owned slaves should pay money to people who were not enslaved

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