Mar 2025
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Athens 21°C

> Casus Belli

> Casus Belli

Greek Foreign Minister calls on Turkey to abandon ‘casus belli’ against Greece

Turkey has consistently and egregiously called on Greece to abandon its military defence on the Aegean islands while threatening it

Erdogan’s top adviser says Greece arming Aegean island is “Casus Belli” for Turkey (video)

He gave an interview with CNN Turk

Cavusoglu: “Oruc Reis” will remain in the Eastern Mediterranean for another 3 months

Extension of the Greek territorial waters to 12 n.m. is a cause for war

Erdogan’s government partner Bahceli: “War with Greece is only a matter of time”

Bahceli: "Greece has been a malignant tumor since 1821 - Legal status of Dodecanese should be reconsidered"
