Mar 2025
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> Catholic Church

> Catholic Church

“God’s influencer”: Faithful flock to Assisi to see the body of the 15-year-old who will become the first millennial Saint of the Catholic Church

The canonization ceremony is expected to take place next month

Pope Francis referred to the need for the reunification of Cyprus in his Christmas message

The Pontiff also expressed his solidarity with the Christian community in Lebanon and Syria and called for dialogue throughout the region.

Third report from the Anti-money laundering authority on the Catholic Church: Bishop of Syros sent €3 million to nightlife entrepreneurs

The paths of illicit money and the underground channels that began around eight years ago

Catholic Church of Greece: The businessman who helped priests launder 3 million euros is known to the authorities

He was involved in a case against an Orthodox priest - Two Catholic priests from the Syros diocese made "investments" in nightclubs

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