Mar 2025
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> christianity

> christianity

The Ancient Greek roots of Christmas celebrations

If you look closely, you can see a variety of similarities between the commemoration of the birth of Christ and the worship of Dionysus in ancient Greece

The amulet that rewrites the history of Christianity in northern Europe

The existence of the amulet shows that Christianity had spread early in Germany, far from the eastern Mediterranean where it appeared

Saint Demetrius: Who he was and why he is considered the patron saint of Thessaloniki

In the Orthodox Tradition, he holds a special place because of his miracles and his direct relationship with Thessaloniki, a city where he is considered the patron saint and protector for centuries

Bektashis: The mystical Islamic sect that will acquire autonomous statehood in Albania

Their crucial role in preserving the Albanian language and nation - Why they were massacred by the Ottomans - Their relationship with the Young Turks - The Greek Bektashis of Thrace

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