Mar 2025
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> COVID-19

> COVID-19

Coronavirus Greece – 9,596 new cases, 67 dead and 471 intubated

ince the beginning of the pandemic, 4,209 patients have been discharged from the ICU

Australia starts vaccine injury payouts

Australia’s Health Department data show that less than 10% of the more than 10,000 people who registered their interest in the government scheme before December have submitted claims

Coronavirus Greece – 19,504 new cases, 93 deaths, 484 intubated

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,180 patients have been discharged from the ICU

Air Travel Faces Long-Haul Flight to Recovery (infographic)

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), global passenger traffic declined by 65.9 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year

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