Mar 2025
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Athens 22°C

> czech republic

> czech republic

Fire in Attica: France, Italy, Türkiye, Serbia, Romania, and the Czech Republic send reinforcements to Greece

The number of countries responding to Greece's request for assistance through the European Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) is expanding. Following France, Italy, and the Czech Republic, firefighting forces are now being sent by Serbia, Romania, and Türkiye

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Remarkable Achievement

In the match against the Czech Republic, Cristiano Ronaldo surpassed Luka Modric and reached a total of 26 games in the tournament

The President of the Czech Republic had an accident with his motorcycle – He was slightly injured

Petr Pavel suffered a fall while riding on a closed track - "His injuries are not serious, but he will need to remain under observation for some time," his services explained

Hotel owners in Halkidiki were Russian spies, claims Russian website ‘The Insider’

Russian spies were the owners of a hotel in Halkidiki with the accommodation also being used as a shelter for members of the powerful Russian security service GRU

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