Mar 2025
weather symbol
Athens 17°C

> desalination

> desalination

Water scarcity alert: Water from Lake Kremasta and desalination plants to address the shortage

According to information, the preliminary study for the transfer of water from the two rivers that flow into the lake of Kremasta has already been advanced

Lekas on water scarcity: We pump 80% of our water from underground aquifers – Mountain economy projects necessary

"The water doesn't have time to infiltrate into the soil" the professor of geology & natural disasters said

Desalination units on the islands to tackle water scarcity

The call for projects for the islands is expected in the autumn and €200 million of funding has been secured from the Unfreezing Fund

EYDAP: Plan B to deal with water scarcity – Hydroelectricity, drilling and desalination

The future plans