
Jun 2024
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Athens 32°C

> Ebrahim Raisi

> Ebrahim Raisi

Raisi’s funeral: Hundreds of thousands of Iranians in the streets of Tehran – Death to the USA, they shouted

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei led funeral procession - Hamas and Hezbollah leaders present - Raishi's burial tomorrow in his hometown in northeastern Iran

Ebrahim Raisi: His body will arrive in Tehran tomorrow, and in Mashhad on Thursday – Mourners dressed in black held portraits at today’s ceremony

Will be buried in his hometown - Eight coffins draped with the Iranian flag

Ebrahim Raisi: The moment of the announcement of his death in the holiest mosque for Shias

The announcement was made at the mosque of Imam Reza in the city of Mashhad

Guardian analysis: the next ‘difficult’ day for Iran after the death of Raisi

Iran must manage the loss amid pressure from the west over its nuclear programme, its flagging economy and strained relations with other Middle Eastern states