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> election process

> election process

US Elections 2024: Key dates, timeline for vote counting, and when final results are expected

Polling stations begin to open at 13.00, GMT - Polls will begin to close at 01:00 on Wednesday morning and the last polls will close at 8am - The requirements and timetable to announce a winner

Kasselakis: I call for an end to the games now

Stefanos Kasselakis denounced that hundreds of members have registered through iSYRIZA and are not in the electoral lists - "Do not retreat anyone! Do not withdraw anyone!

Stefanos Kasselakis criticizes upcoming conference venue: A closed nightclub for 4 years – Who’s managing the election process

The former president of SYRIZA raises a total of 4 questions, the answer to which is crucial to ensure the trust and participation of the party's members.