Mar 2025
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> Evangelos Apostolakis

> Evangelos Apostolakis

Evangelos Apostolakis exits SYRIZA: Behind the decision, Koumoundourou’s reactions, and Tsipras’ response

Sea turmoil in Koumoundourou from the admiral's independence - The "double exxamartein" that explains Tsipras' reaction

SYRIZA: Evangelos Apostolakis also left the party

"What recently happened disproved my expectations, as democratic processes were subordinated to practices that hark back to moments from the past, which we all want to forget," stated, among other things, the retired admiral

Supreme Court Sends P-3B Scandal Dossier to Parliament for Review

The Plenary will request the lifting of the immunity of former SYRIZA minister Evangelos Apostolakis, who played a leading role in the case together with Panos Kamenos

Kammenos and Apostolakis in the prosecutor’s office for the $500 million scam after 9 years

Prosecutor C. Adilini is investigating the direct contract in 2015 for the "upgrade" of 5 HN 49-year-old aircraft