Prespes Agreement: The complete draft bill in English
The bill was uploaded to the official House website
Katsifas’ huge Greek flag will be present in the Athens rally for Macedonia! (photos)
They can't kill him...
Putin on Prespes agreement: The will of the people has been overlooked
Lavrov: "We cannot agree with those who say that Russia has no place in the Balkans"
Albanian PM Rama promises fluid borders between Albania & Kosovo
Rama added that FYROM and Montenegro are also interested in implementing such system
It’s official: Kammenos leaves coalition government
Developing Story
Rally against the Prespes Agreement in Athens on January 20
More details are to be announced
FYROM’s Parliament approves the country’s name change
It is uncertain what consequences there will be in the wider area of the Balkans, as the agreement does not have the support of either countries' people
Moscow accuses Washington of “unjustifiable interference” in FYROM’s domestic affairs
FYROM's citizens voted against the Prespes agreement
Kosovo and Serbia clash at the UN Security Council
A new crisis in the region?
Skopje responds to Bulgarian Deputy PM’s threat over Zaev’s “Macedonian language”
The VMRO leader accused the representatives of the former Yugoslav republic of wanting to "validate a false version of history"