Dec 2024
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> Frixos Dracontidis

> Frixos Dracontidis

War in Israel: Attack on Kibbutz Kisufim while protothema.gr reporters were inside (videos)

Hamas launched a rocket attack – Frixos Drakontides & Panagiotis Koufalexis conducted an autopsy on the kibbutz that was one of Hamas' first targets

Lesvos: New migrant camp is being constructed – Shocking images (videos-photos)

Army helicopters transport tents so that the construction of the camp will begin

Roadblocks by the residents in Lesvos – Protothema.gr inside the burned camp (videos-photos)

Developing story

Mykonos: Cows have their feet strapped to avoid annoying tourists! (video)

"The prosecutor must intervene immediately", activists argue