Mar 2025
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Athens 18°C

> general index

> general index

Athens Exchange at 14-year high again – The General Index exceeded 1,630 points

Close to +11% this year's performance - New banking rally, the sectoral index renewed the record of more than 9 years - "Jumpy" the course for Metlen, Ideal and shares of Viohalco Group - Over 375 million euros in turnover

Convincing response of buyers in the Stock Exchange – New records for Coca Cola and PPC

The General Index returned above 1,540 points, closing at the high of the day - Investors welcomed the exclusive negotiations between Piraeus and CVC fund for 70% of National Insurance

Athens Stock Exchange: A breath away from the 2011 high for the General Index

AKTOR (+9%), METLEN (+2,79%) and PPC (+1,52%) recorded the biggest rise - INTRALOT (-1,50%), Eurobank (-1,16%) and Attica Bank (-0,77%) recorded the biggest fall

Athens Stock Exchange rises for the third time in a row – Banks extended their 9-year record

The General Index approached further the 1,510 points and the levels of April 2011 - Eurobank's share at its highest point since November 2015

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