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> Greek revolution 1821

> Greek revolution 1821

White House: Baidenopoulos and the traditional reception for the anniversary of Greek Independence

Watch what happened at the Greek Independence Reception - The strong bonds of friendship between Greece and the US were emphatically mentioned by Joe Biden

What is the 25th March National Holy Day in Greece about?

Greek Orthodox Church celebrates the “Annunciation” by Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she should become the mother of Jesus Christ

Digital map of the Greek Revolution on Google maps: Hundreds of facts & information

The Fall of Tripoli, the Exit of Messolonghi, the Destruction of Psara, the Battle of Navarino: Milestone-events of the 1821 Greek Struggle for Liberation

Benaki Museum presents 1,200 rare items from 1821 Greek Revolution in exhibition (video)

One thousand and two hundred objects will unfold more than 100 years of history (1770-1870) over 2,500 square metres for 8 months

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