Mar 2025
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Athens 21°C

> Guatemala

> Guatemala

Postal vote: 202,556 voters will vote in the European elections

280% increase in the number of Greeks abroad compared to those who voted in the June 2023 national elections

Creating Guatemala’s food of the Gods – Chocolate (video)

The region of Chocolá, characterized by frequent rains and fertile soil, creates the perfect environment for cultivating cacao

Archaeologists discover lost world of 417 ancient Mayans cities buried in remote jungle, connected by miles of “superhighways”

The discovery of a network of roads & cities, hydraulic systems & agricultural infrastructure suggests that communities living in C. America were now more advanced than given credit for

The stone head of Guatemala that history wants to forget

The stone head depicted in the 1950s photograph does not share the same features or style as the Olmec heads

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