Mar 2025
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> Lyggeridis

> Lyggeridis

Father of Giorgos Lyggeridis: “There are moral instigators behind my child’s murder, the prosecutor names them, why should they be untouchable?” – Watch the video

The parents of the unjustly killed police officer moved everyone deeply – "I demand equal treatment for everyone; are the powerful above the law?" questioned the father of Giorgos Lyggeridis regarding the prosecutor's recommendation for indictment against Vangelis Marinakis and four of his close associates.

Lyggeridis case: The full proposal of the prosecutor for the referral of Marinakis to trial

It accuses the president and leadership of the football club of "knowing the existence, operation, and actions of the criminal organization... providing assets and financial means, instructions, and information," and "inciting them to commit felonies." The trial of the actual perpetrator of the murder continues

Criminal charges against Olympiacos Management over the Lyggeridis murder case

For the offenses of supporting and financing a criminal organization and inciting sports-related violence, they have been summoned to testify next Tuesday

Floridis: Hooliganism must be uprooted and it will be

Hellenic Police success in its investigation of the Lygeridis case - Far-right forces are thwarted