Mar 2025
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> Metron Analysis

> Metron Analysis

Metron analysis: ND leads by 11.8 points, Plefsi Eleftherias in second, PASOK declines further

ND's lead drops by 2.4 points, while PASOK loses 1.3 points – All parties see losses except Plefsi Eleftherias and Niki

Metron Analysis: dominance of Mitsotakis, PASOK’s rise, SYRIZA on the downhill slide

The Prime Minister has a 23-point lead in the suitability for Prime Minister - In European elections, the New Democracy - A fall for all parties to the right of New Democracy - Down and the KKE - Ticket for the Parliament gives the New Left the civil war in SYRIZA

Two Polls, Two Realities: Battle for PASOK Leadership Takes Shape

Diverging Poll Results Show Tight Race in PASOK Leadership Contest – Androulakis Leads in One, Diamantopoulou in Another

Metron Analysis: 30.2% for ND, SYRIZA falls further – Fight for 4 in PASOK

Geroulanos more popular among those who will vote in the PASOK elections - Diamantopoulou won impressions among those who watched the debate - The expulsion of Kasselakis was a mistake