Mar 2025
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> Mustafa Akinci

> Mustafa Akinci

Turkish Cypriot leader warns Cyprus is facing permanent partition

If this failed to happen, he said the north would grow increasingly dependent on Ankara

Death threats & political ruckus in wake of Akinci’s Syria remarks

Still angry, according to Yeni Duzen newspaper on Wednesday, Erdogan snapped at French President Emmanuel Macron too when they spoke on the phone on about Syria...

Anastasiades’ letter to the UN Secretary-General on natural gas (Docs)

The letter was sent on Wednesday to the 27 other EU member states, as well as to the leaders of the Cypriot political forces

Akinci increasingly isolated over federal fixation

Cavusoglu and Anastasiades have met a number of times to discuss a more relaxed federation and new ideas

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